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Obama finds time for statement on Ray Rice

Obama had no time to visit the border in Texas, or attend the funeral of Harold Greene (the highest ranking military general to die since Vietnam). But Obama has plenty of time for other things, like golf, and sticking his ass into the Ray Rice domestic abuse situation. According to Obama ‘real men’ don’t hit women or something. Of course, Obama never has anything public to say about the recent black thug and mob attacks against whites (including females). He’s probably high fiving Valerie Jarrett in the oval office.

Obama finds time for statement on Ray Rice
Obama finds time for statement on Ray Rice

Isn’t ‘real man’ sexist or something? According to the left, saying ‘that woman’ is sexist, so why isn’t ‘real men’? Regardless, Obama would know how to be a ‘real men’ if it bit him in the ass.

Funny too how quickly Obama can come up with a statement on Ray Rice but has to wait until Wednesday to issue a ‘strategy’ on how to deal with ISIS.