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Left wing extremists start trouble at #floodwallstreet (Pictures, video)

#FloodWallStreet is the extremist left wing Democrats latest anti-Capitalist movement. Ever since Occupy Wall Street died a stinky death, George Soros and other radical leftist extremists were looking for new ways to cause problems against those ‘evil’ capitalists. Today, as the day of stock trading came to an end, the #floodWallstreet nut job protesters started their usual crap. Soon, you may see rape tents spring up near Wall Street. Below is video and some pictures from the smelly, dirty #floodwallstreet protest. You’ll also notice something else from today’s protest and yesterday. 99.9% of the ‘protesters’ are lily white trash. Where’s the diversity?

Left wing extremists start trouble at #floodwallstreet (Pictures, video)

You know, if you dirty Occupy/Flood Wall Street hippies hate capitalism so much, why are you still carrying around your smartphones and tablets? Evil capitalist corporations made those products you use. You are hypocrites if you hate Wall Street, corporations and capitalism if you use products created by corporations, for the sole purpose to make a profit.

When you dirty left wing hippies give up those evil corporation products you are so dependent on, then maybe someone will take you seriously. Otherwise, you are nothing but a bunch of whiny trust fund babies with nothing better to do with your ‘life’.