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North Carolina media scrubs story about Kay Hagan husband getting stimulus money

It seems the media in North Carolina is just as bad as it is out here in California. The story about North Carolina auditors calling for “further legal review” on Kay Hagan’s husband getting stimulus money in 2009 has mysteriously disappeared from the North Carolina media coverage. The story was first written by leftist fish wrap Charlotte Observer and copied by WBTV. Yet, suddenly today, those links vanished, and if you go to the original URLs you will get a 404 error. Some more Valerie Jarrett intimidation of the media maybe?

North Carolina media scrubs story about Kay Hagan husband getting stimulus money
North Carolina media scrubs story about Kay Hagan husband getting stimulus money

You can read the Google cache copy of the Charlotte Observer Hagan stimulus scandal.

If you want to read more about this story that was mysteriously scrubbed by the leftist North Carolina media, you can check out National Review’s story about Hagan’s husband getting stimulus money needing a full review.

Now I can understand why Obama and Hagan won the state in 2008, and why John Edwards was able to become Senator. The media in North Carolina is just as bad, if not worse than the national liberal media.