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Diseased illegals spread Chagas aka the Kissing Bug

Chagas aka the kissing bug has infected over 300,000 and has been brought by diseased illegals invading the border from Central America. According to Daily Mail UK (again ignored by the American media), Chagas is already being called the new AIDS because of its asymptomatic beginnings that can turn to a fatal end if the disease progresses. One of the first signs of Chagas ‘the kissing bug’ can be a skin lesion or a purplish swelling of the lids of one eye. The disease can be fatal if not treated. Thanks Obama and illegals!

Diseased illegals spread Chagas aka the Kissing Bug
Diseased illegals spread Chagas aka the Kissing Bug

Chagas is being called the new AIDS because of its asymptomatic beginnings that can turn to a fatal end if the disease progresses.
‘We were astonished to not only find such a high rate of individuals testing positive for Chagas in their blood, but also high rates of heart disease that appear to be Chagas-related,’ said Nolan Garcia, an epidemiologist at the Baylor College of Medicine.
The CDC has said that they believe most of the people infected with Chagas got the parasite in Mexico or South America before coming to the U.S.