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Chuck Hagel resigns, ‘frustrated’ over Obama

Chuck Hagel has resigned as secretary of defense. Guess who is likely to replace Chuck Hagel? None other than Benghazi liar Susan Rice.

Ousted Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel had become “very, very frustrated” in the post before President Obama sought his resignation, according to a key lawmaker, who blasted the White House for a whispering campaign that accompanied the Pentagon boss’ abrupt ouster Monday morning.

Chuck Hagel is a flaming anti-semite so I have no sympathy for him.

Chuck Hagel resigns, 'frustrated' over Obama
Chuck Hagel resigns, ‘frustrated’ over Obama – Image @Evi L. Bloggerlady

“Already White House people are leaking, ‘Well, he wasn’t up to the job,’” McCain said. “Well, believe me, he was up to the job. It was the job he was given, where he really was never really brought into that real tight circle inside the White House that makes all the decisions which has put us into the incredible debacle that we’re in today throughout the world.”

McCain noted that Hagel characterized the Islamic State as the greatest threat in the Middle East, while Obama was calling them the jayvee (junior varisty) team less than a year ago. He also criticized Obama for failing in areas like the Middle East, Ukraine, and responding to a newly aggressive China.

“We’ve had our disagreements but Chuck Hagel is an honorable man,” McCain added.