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Ferguson rioters lead TIME’s Person of the Year Poll

The Ferguson rioter, who burned down buildings, looted businesses, and attacked people are now leading Time Magazine’s poll for ‘Person of the Year’. Don’t be surprised. Among winners of the Time Magazine person of the were Hitler (twice), Joseph Stalin (twice), Ayatollah Khomeini and Vladimir Putin. Time Magazine seems to have a softspot for dictators and violence makers.

Ferguson protestors have gained the lead in TIME’s Person of the Year poll, with seven days to go in the voting.

Personally, I’m hoping the rioters win the person of the year award. It would make Time Magazine that much more of a laughing stock.

Ferguson rioters lead TIME’s Person of the Year Poll
Ferguson rioters lead TIME’s Person of the Year Poll

Unrest in Ferguson and around the country focused attention on race and policing, helping to lift Ferguson protestors into first place in the TIME reader poll with 10.7% of the vote. Thousands of demonstrators marched in solidarity with the family of Michael Brown, an unarmed black man who was shot by the police, disrupting Black Friday shopping in San Francisco, Chicago, New York, Seattle and other cities.