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Sandy Hook familes plan lawsuit against Bushmaster

Apparently, the parents of ten children who died at the Sandy Hook mass shooting by leftist nut job Adam Lanza are more interested in suing the AR-15 maker Bushmaster, than the actual Lanza family, or even school district.

Sunday is the second anniversary of the deadly school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Parents of 10 of the children killed have filed or will file notices in a Connecticut probate court announcing their intentions to make “wrongful death” claims on behalf of their children’s estates.

Remember, ti’s not the actual shooter (Adam Lanza) who was at fault it. Somehow, it’s the gun and gun maker (Bushmaster) fault. IJR says it best:

Suing Bushmaster for the shooting at Sandy Hook seems analogous to suing a brick maker after your windows get smashed. Bob Owens at Bearing Arms says that proving that Bushmaster was even partially at fault is going to be tough:

Sandy Hook familes plan lawsuit against Bushmaster
Sandy Hook familes plan lawsuit against Bushmaster

So if it’s the gun or gun maker’s fault that these kids died at Sandy Hook is it spoons that made Michael Moore a fat pig?