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Obama reactions to Mike Brown, Garner and NYPD

Obama was quick to stir up racial animosity after Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner and Mike Brown were killed. The left thrives on division so Obama took to the podium to bemoan the loss about these three. Of course Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin were gangster thugs who attacked their shooter prior to getting shot. And while I didn’t agree with the grand jury decision in the Eric Garner case, he still resisted arrest. But what about the assassination of the two NYPD officers? Obama is too busy golfing and partying in Hawaii to make any televised comments.

Obama reactions to Mike Brown, Garner and NYPD
Obama reactions to Mike Brown, Garner and NYPD

Obviously Obama doesn’t care about Asian-American or Latino-American lives. You can add that to Obama not caring about blue lives either.