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Cory Booker’s Waywire featured David Duke anti-Jew propaganda – media silent

Cory Booker is apparently a big fan of David Duke and anti-Jew (or Zionist) propaganda. Cory Booker is a founder of WayWIre, which before it was sold to Magnify featured David Duke and a story about bashing Jews on their website. Yet, you wouldn’t know about that if listened to the news today. All day there has been one domestic story dominating the leftist media coverage. Republican RINO Steve Scalise allegedly spoke at a David Duke organization back in 2012 or something. Let’s assume for a second Steve Scalise knew he was speaking at a white supremacist group. OK. So what do we do with him? Do we let him rot in the Congress for the next 50 years like the Democrats did with KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd?

And what about Cory Booker. Should he resign as senator for supporting David Duke and anti-Zionist propaganda on a site he founded?

If the corrupt media and leftist force Scalise to resign, I wouldn’t really care. He’s a RINO, RovePublican in a conservative district in Louisiana. He’s easy to replace with a real conservative and would be no loss.

Cory Booker's Waywire featured David Duke anti-Jew propaganda - media silent
Cory Booker’s Waywire featured David Duke anti-Jew propaganda – media silent

And if Scalise is forced to resign for something he did 12 years ago, then Cory Booker better be on his way out for not only giving a platform to David Duke, but also for allow his Jew hating crap to be shown