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NYPD turn backs on de Blasio at Wenjian Liu funeral

NYPD officers turned their backs on Comrade Bill de Blasio once again at Wenjian Liu funeral in Brooklyn. Comrade Wilhelm/de Blasio called Wenjian Liu a ‘great man’ during his proppaganda speech.

Despite threats from NYPD chief Biil Bratton telling NYPD officers not to turn their backs on Comrade de Blasio, they did again anyway. Am good for the NYPD!

NYPD turn backs on de Blasio at Wenjian Liu funeral
NYPD turn backs on de Blasio at Wenjian Liu funeral

Of course the leftist anti-cop crowd which lead to this in the first place is whining like a bunch of spoiled children.

Ironic isn’t it? Anti-cop leftists whining about ‘disrespect.’

Wenjian Liu funeral ends one ugly chapter in anti-cop leftism. What’s next from these thugs?