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2,000 Nigerians killed by Muslim Boko-Haram in last three days

Boko Haram is a Muslim terrorist group based in Africa. While Muslims were busy killing civilians in France, Boko Haram Muslims have killed over 2,000 in Nigeria in just the last three days. Boko-Haram is basically the ISIS of Africa.

You would think the media would show at least some concern for the massacre of 2,000 in Nigera at the hands of Boko Haram Muslim terrorists. I understand France is the big story this weekend, and rightfully so.

2,000 Nigerians killed by Muslim Boko-Haram in last three days
2,000 Nigerians killed by Muslim Boko-Haram in last three days

But does it really take that mention to mention what Boko-Haram terrorists too? They are basically mini-ISIS.