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ObamaCARE sharing personal data with online advertisers

So much for privacy. ObamaCARE’s online website is sharing people who signed up for ObamaCARE personal information with online advertisers. Why am I Not surprised? OBamaCARE’s healthcare .gov is not only data mining your personal information, but they are even selling your private data to advertisers. Thanks Democrats!

There is no evidence that personal information has been misused. But connections to dozens of third-party tech firms were documented by technology experts who analyzed and then confirmed by AP. A handful of the companies were also collecting highly specific information. That combination is raising concerns.

Where’s Johnathan Gruber when we need him? I wonder if he would call this ‘stupid.’

ObamaCARE sharing personal data with online advertisers
ObamaCARE sharing personal data with online advertisers

“This new information is extremely concerning, not only because it violates the privacy of millions of Americans, but because it may potentially compromise their security,” Sens. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, wrote to the administration.

Created under the president’s health care law, is the online gateway to government-subsidized private insurance for people who lack coverage on the job. It serves consumers in 37 states, while the remaining states operate their own insurance markets.

A former White House chief information officer, Theresa Payton, said third-party vendors are a weak link on any website. She questioned both the number of vendors on and the specific details some of them are collecting.

“You don’t need all of that data to do customer service,” said Payton, who served under President George W. Bush. “We know hackers are just waiting at the door, salivating to get at this data.”