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MSNBC’s O’Donnell: Catholicism once ‘most murderous force on Earth’

Keep digging NBC hacks. Lawrence O’Donnell the self described socalist, and liberal leftist Democrat tried to make excuses for Obama bashing Christians and ISIS/Muslim terrorism. You see, according to NBC (MSNBC) and O’Donnell says Catholicism was the most murderous force on the face of the Earth for hundreds of years.

MSNBC’s resident socialist Lawrence O’Donnell made a whopper of a historical claim on the Thursday edition of his program. In the midst of ripping President Obama’s controversial National Prayer Breakfast speech from earlier in the day, O’Donnell asserted that “Catholicism was the most murderous force on the face of the Earth for hundreds of years,” as he ripped President Obama’s controversial National Prayer Breakfast speech from earlier in the day.

Of course, O’Donnell had two Muslims on as guests, so he had to pander to them.

MSNBC's O'Donnell: Catholicism once 'most murderous force on Earth'
MSNBC’s O’Donnell: Catholicism once ‘most murderous force on Earth’

O’DONNELL: Professor Coyne, within every religion, there are arguments about what the proper tenets of a religion should be. Most Catholics, as you know, in the United States of America support abortion rights, and support that as an individual choice made by women, whether they be Catholic or not. The Pope says that is absolutely wrong, and that teaching is rejected worldwide by Catholics, and it’s accepted worldwide by Catholics. And there are many other arguments within Catholicism. You used to be excommunicated if you got a divorce in Catholicism. Now, Catholicism finds ways of fixing that for people

Religions move; they change. They have different sects – different dynamics. I would love to hear the President describe to us what true Judaism is. Is it Orthodox Judaism, or is it one of those temples where they have a female rabbi? This is just an amazing mistake that the President’s speechwriters, and the President could make today – the notion that this president or anyone can specifically tell us what is real Islam or the real version of any other religion. We’re going to have – we even have disagreements with two followers of Islam right here on this show about what is real Islam.