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Megyn Kelly skewers Jen Psaki over Yemen lies VIDEO

Megyn Kelly destroyed Jen Psaki over the Obama/Kerry regime’s lies about what really happened in Yemen and about funding Netanyahu’s opposition in Israel. Apparently, not only did US Military members have to surrender their weapons before getting out of Yemen, they also had to give up their verticals to the Houthis terrorists too.

Megyn Kelly skewers Jen Psaki over Yemen lies VIDEO
Megyn Kelly skewers Jen Psaki over Yemen lies VIDEO

Megyn Kelly tonight pressed State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki over this week’s evacuation of the U.S. embassy in Yemen.

Yesterday, the Marine Corps confirmed that crew served weapons were destroyed at the embassy, and Marines’ personal weapons were “rendered inoperable” at the airport. Houthi rebels also seized embassy vehicles after diplomats left.

“Why was the evacuation from the embassy so hasty when we knew things were deteriorating for weeks now?” Kelly asked, remarking that clearly something didn’t go according to plan.

Psaki countered that the evacuation wasn’t hasty.

“We’ve been planning for weeks a range of contingency options,” she said.

Kelly questioned why Marines weren’t allowed to bring their guns on planes and asked who ordered Marines to disarm.