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Black privilege – thugs jump, drag by hair white girl as they beat her

Homestead middle school in Miami was the latest scene of black on white violence. Here is some more black privilege on display that for some reason, is ignored by the likes of Eric Holder, Obama, Al Sharpton and the media race hustlers. In Miami, at Homestead middle school, a white girl was jumped, beaten, and dragged by her hair by a few fat, black females. No matter what was said, there is no excuse for this type of action. If you reverse the situation and a bunch o white girls jump, beat, and dragged by the hair a black girl, this would be 24/7 news in America. It would make the SAE fraternity look like child’s play. But with the black privilege in this country, this doesn’t even register a blip on the media’s radar. Maybe this was revenge for the ‘hands up, don’t shoot lie’ that the black racists and media spewed for months and months.

Black privilege – thugs jump, drag by hair white girl as they beat her Homestead middle school

Other blacks, watching and shooting video of this brawl don’t exactly rush to help the one girl getting pounded. Instead, they laugh, cuss, and generally enjoy the beat down. Welcome to liberal America.

This Homestead middle school ‘brawl’ actually happened about two months ago, but it’s only getting a few local reports now.