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Hillary Clinton to announce presidential run this weekend

Reports are that Hillary Rotten Clinton is going to announce her anticipated presidential run this coming weekend. Either on Saturday or Sunday.

Hillary Clinton to announce presidential run this weekend
Hillary Clinton to announce presidential run this weekend

That’s what Business Insider is reporting, anyway, based on a top source within Hillary’s soon-to-be campaign. If that timeline is accurate, may I present to you the simultaneous commencement and conclusion of the Democratic presidential primary:

A source with knowledge of Hillary Clinton’s plans has confirmed she will officially announce her 2016 presidential bid on Saturday or Sunday. This will be imminently followed by campaign travel. A spokesperson for Clinton’s campaign team did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Business Insider. Clinton has long been expected to enter the 2016 race. Polls show her well ahead of all her likely Democratic and Republican rivals. She has been ramping up her presidential preparations including leasing office space for a headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, and hiring key staffers.

CNN reported earlier in the week that Hillary’s formal campaign announcement was “likely only days away.” The big moment may arrive very soon indeed, it seems. The above report says that public polling shows Hillary “well ahead” of all potential rivals, which is undoubtedly true on the Democratic side. There will be no nominating contest to speak of within that party; Her Majesty’s coronation is a fait accompli, barring a seismic political development or sudden health issue. In fact, Team Hillary is reportedly weighing skipping primary debates and already debating potential running mates. Against a slate of Republican challengers, however, Mrs. Clinton’s margins aren’t looking prohibitive at the moment — and don’t even exist in a few key swing states: