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Weiner on Hillary Clinton’s road trip: How I would hope my president would behave

Huma Weiner’s husband, the serial sexter is impressed with Hillary Clinton’s road trip to Iowa. In fact, Anthony Weiner is so impressed with Hillary Clinton’s bumbling and stumbling through Iowa in the ‘Scooby van’ that Weiner ‘How I would hope my president would behave.’

Weiner on Hillary Clinton's road trip: How I would hope my president would behave
Weiner on Hillary Clinton’s road trip: How I would hope my president would behave

Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY), who is married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, said no one will remember Clinton’s presidential roll out in a few months but he felt Hillary’s attempt to talk to regular Americans was good and, “How I would hope my president would behave. ”

Weiner said, “I’ll tell you something else, no one is ever standing on a stage during an Iowa debate and a reporters says, I want to talk to you about how late you entered the race and the video you produced and why it took so long to do sit downs. No, I think the campaign is beginning and this is how I would hope my president would behave. Which is let’s try to figure out the right thing to do to be in touch with what Americans care about, the issues they want, how I’m going to resolve the solutions. That’s the way I want my president to think as well as a candidate.”