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Marc Lamont Hill of CNN calls free speech disgusting

Marc Lamont Hill, a far left professor and CNN contributor doesn’t exactly like free speech. In fact, Hill thinks free speech is disgusting because you can organize ‘hate speech event.’ Obviously, this is a reference to this past week’s draw Mohammed cartoon event in Texas that was attacked by two now dead Muslim terrorists. Via Twitchy:

Marc Lamont Hill of CNN calls free speech disgusting
Marc Lamont Hill of CNN calls free speech disgusting

Marc Lamont Hill is just another far left kook, in the mold of Sally Kohn who got their start on Fox News by sucking up to Bill O’Reilly, and is not paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to go on CNN and spew crap like this.

Of course if you check out Hill’s Twitter background you’ll see why he’s so biased in favor of terrorists and against free speech. The most obvious thing is that he’s a far left liberal nnut job. But the Twitter background of ‘Mohammed’s Mosque of Islam’ with the Muslim logo is the dead give away.