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Bernie Sanders surging among white trash Democrats

White Democrats are surging to Bernie Sanders because they can’t deal with a woman becoming their nominee for president. The whole purpose of socialist Sanders run in the first place is to jack up his speaking fees after he adds ‘presidential candidate’ to his resume. Again, it shows the Democrats are still the same sexist, racist Democrats that they’ve been for centuries.

Bernie Sanders surging among white trash Democrats
Bernie Sanders surging among white trash Democrats

When Hillary Clinton gives a speech in Houston on Thursday at a historically-black college calling for 20 days of early voting in every state, she will be reemphasizing her long-held commitment to defending the voting rights of minorities.

She will also be appealing to some of her strongest supporters: non-white Democrats.

In the early stages of the Democratic primary race, one of Clinton’s rivals, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, has drawn huge crowds and surged in polls, although he remains well-behind the former secretary of state.

Sanders appears to have been benefited from the much-discussed divide between traditional Democrats like Clinton and those who are more liberal on economic issues like Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren.