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US Embassy moves July 4th celebration from Jaakarta to not offend Islam

It’s come to this. The US Embassy conducted their July 4th celebrate on June 4th. Why did the US Embassy in Jakarta Indonesia move the July 4th celebration up a month? Because July 4th occurs during the period of Muslim Ramadan, and Obama didn’t want to offend Muslims. Welcome to Obamaville. Remember, that the US owns the territory in Jakarta where there Embassy in Indonesia is located. So it’s not like the July 4th celebration would have occurred on foreign land. Fundamental transformation you know.

US Embassy moves July 4th celebration from Jaakarta to not offend Islam
US Embassy moves July 4th celebration from Jaakarta to not offend Islam

Officially, embassies are the national territory of the country being represented, not of the host country. So there is no need to accommodate local sensibilities in celebrating our most sacred national holiday. Perhaps the pipe dream of peddling electric motorcycles to one of the world’s biggest petroleum exporters that happens to have a pretty large conventional motorcycle industry of its own took precedence over our national dignity?

It is a bedrock of Islamic scripture that infidels must bow down in submission to Islam and Muslims, being tolerated so long as they endure humiliations and pay a special tax. Muslims have no obligations at all to infidels, which is why you will never see an counterpart to the submission just demonstrated by the US Embassy in Jakarta.

This is a moment of national dhimmitude and deep shame. I hope someone will ask Marie Harf to explain if any Muslim countries plan on moving their embassy’s Ramadan celebrations to accommodate our Independence Day. That would allow for some great Harfing.