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Was the New York Times concerned about Kerry’s yacht?

So Marco Rubio buys an $80,000 fishing boat and the New York Times calls it a ‘luxurious boat.’ Yet John Kerry owns a multi-million dollar yacht which he docked in Rhode Island to avoid Massachuttes and the New York Times doesn’t seem to care. It’s estimated that John Kerry saves about $500,000 annually by docking 76-Foot Luxury yacht in Rhode Island instead of Massachuttes, his home state. Below are photos of Kerry’s boat and Rubio’s boat. I report, you decide which is the ‘luxury’ boat here.

Was the New York Times concerned about Kerry’s yacht?
John Kerry's yacht
Rubio's 'luxury' boat

I’ll say this for Kerry’s boat. It’s about as ugly as he is.

Hillary Clinton’s New York Times donation sure aren’t paying off like she thought they would. Two smear stories on Rubio and two big embarassments for the New York Times. These smears don’t just reflect badly on the left wing propaganda fish wrap New York Times, but Hillary Clinton too.