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Leticia Van de Putte: Wendy Davis running mate loses San Antonio Mayor election

Leticia Van de Putte was Wendy Davis (abortion Barbie) running mate for Lt. Governor of Texas in 2014. As you know Davis got slaughtered in that race not even getting 40% of the vote. Seems Leticia Van de Putte isn’t exactly popular either. She lost to a vulnerable Ivy R. Taylor

Leticia Van de Putte: Wendy Davis running mate loses San Antonio Mayor election
Leticia Van de Putte: Wendy Davis running mate loses San Antonio Mayor election

Here’s a hint Leticia Van de Putte. Wendy Davis isn’t that popular in Texas. Just because a few left wing whack jobs love her doewsn’t mean the state loves here. Trying moving to Wendy Davis’ home state of Rhode Island. Plenty of left wing nut job theres who might vote for you.