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Lindsey Graham will call for confederate flag to be taken down

Lindsey Graham must actually think people give a shit about his decisions. It was just a few days ago that Lindsey Graham said the Confederate flag is “part of who we are” in South Carolina even if “it’s a racist symbol”. Now, all of a sudden Lindsey wants the Confederate Flag taken down. CNN is actually promoting this as some kind of scoop, as if Lindsey Graham was a serious candidate for the 2016 presidential election.

Of course CNN still hasn’t reported on the Clinton-Gore 1992 campaign selling Confederate Flag pins to raise money.

Keep trying to dance around the issues Lindsey. No one cares.

Lindsey Graham will call for confederate flag to be taken down

Lindsey Graham is basically a gay version of John McCain, and a few decades younger. He is as worthless as McCain, and has about as much of a chance at winning the GOP nomination this year as John McCain would have. You’d more likely see a Confederate Flag flying over the California Capitol building before Lindsey Graham would even be the GOP nominee for president.