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Bernie Sanders demands $15-Hour minimum wage, pays interns $12

Communist/Socialist Bernie Sanders is a typical left wing extremist Democrat aka Democratic socialist. On the campaign trail one of his main things to scream about is $15 minimum wage for burger flippers. What’s funny and ironic though is that Bernie Sanders only pays his inters $12 per hour. Hey Bernie! Why not practice what you preach and your interns $15 per hour? Does Bernie Sanders and Democrats think burger flippers are worth more than interns? Once a communist, always a communist.

Bernie Sanders demands $15-Hour minimum wage, pays interns $12
Bernie Sanders demands $15-Hour minimum wage, pays interns $12

Democratic presidential hopeful and self-described socialist Bernie Sanders introduced a bill to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour this week.

However, Sanders pays his own interns just $12 per hour, notes the Media Research Center.

On a website entitled “Bernie Sanders, United States Senator for Vermont,” Sanders and his legislative team declare that interns “are an integral part of our Senate operation and contribute greatly to the senator’s work on behalf of Vermont and the nation.”

Just below, in the Frequently Asked Questions section, Sanders flatly explains he pays his own interns “$12 per hour.”