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Laura Ingraham: Jeb Bush won the GOP debate VIDEO

Laura Ingraham claimed on Fox News Sunday that Jeb Bush won the GOP debate this past Thursday. Yes, Jeb Bush who looked like a robot through the entire debate, gave canned, template answers and showed no charisma whatsoever. It looks like Laura Ingraham who was at one time a good, solid, conservative has been bought out by Fox News and the Jeb Bush cheerleaders. Seriously? Jeb Bush would the debate? That’s like saying Lindsey Graham won the earlier debate. Watch the following video of Laura Ingraham on Fox News Sunday actually claiming that Jeb Bush won the GOP debate. If you want to skip all the media speak, start the following video at about 7 minutes and 55 seconds.

Laura Ingraham: Jeb Bush won the GOP debate VIDEO

Funny also considering Laura Ingraham has routinely bashed Jeb Bush in the past for his stances on amnesty and Common Core. I guess Ingraham got bit by the Karl Rove bug at Fox News. If Jeb Bush and his stiff, boring answers won the debate then I’m Hillary Clinton.