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New York Daily News: America turns it back on refugees

According to the leftist biased New York Daily News, America is ‘turning it’s back’ on the Syrian/Muslim ‘refugees’ or something. This despite the fact that Obama has already demanded that the US take 10,000 of these so called refugees, without even vetting them for terrorism or ISIS links.

We already have our own border crisis with all the welfare grabbers invading from the south. Both Republicans and Democrats like this. Republicans like the southern border invasion because it’s cheap labor for the Chamber of Commerce whores. Democrats like it because it’s more people on the welfare rolls and future Democrat voters.

New York Daily News: America turns it back on refugees

So what more does the leftist biased New York Daily News want this country to do for the so called Muslim ‘refugees.’ Should we provide food, shelter and plasma TVs for them? Maybe give all of them ObamaPhones?

When will these communist leftists understand that the things they claim to stand for, like gay marriage would result in death for people invading from these Muslim countries like Syria? Does the left and the New York Daily News want all females in burkas?