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Donald Trump 9-11 tweet from 2013 is apparently bad

Social media is going nuts over a Donald Trump 9/11 tweet from Trump in 2013. I don’t know what’s the big deal, or why Trump deleted the following tweet:

“I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th”

Donald Trump 9-11 tweet from 2013 is apparently bad

There were plenty of haters and losers around in 2013. I can think of a handful of Democrats (like Keith Ellison for example), a Muslim who hates this country and is a loser. But Trump deleted the tweet for whatever reason. His reason? Your guess is as good as mine. Can some Trump haters please explain to me what’s so bad about this tweet from two years ago? How about 9/11 truthers? How about those who say George W. Bush or Jews did 9/11?

I understand some hate Trump. i’m not even his biggest fan, but like how he shoves it back in the media’s face. I also like how Trump slams Jeb Bush, a man who I will never support for president.

Leftist propagnada sites are claiming Trump deleted his 2013 9/11 tweet. But as usual, they are wrong, its there and embedded. If this is all the Trump haters can come up with, then they are really in deep shit.