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Miss Alabama Meg McGuffin thinks Bush and Christie are ‘incredible candidates’

Even the Miss America pageant has turned into a political clown show. Miss Alabama Meg McGuffin was asked her thoughts on Donald Trump. McGuffin said America should ‘terrified’ of Donald Trump, the typical leftist and GOP line of attacking Trump. Miss Alabama Meg McGuffin then went on to say how the GOP has such incredible candidates running for president. Those candidates are Jeb Bush and Chris Christie. Watch the video below:

Miss Alabama Meg McGuffin thinks Bush and Christie are ‘incredible candidates’
Miss Alabama Meg McGuffin thinks Bush and Christie are 'incredible candidates'

I wonder how much Reince Preibus payed to have this question planned, and Miss Alabama Meg McGuffin coached on her response. You can’t even get away from the political clown parade if you watch Miss America. Sad times we live in.

Megyn Kelly must be enjoying every moment of this.