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Glenn Beck wants $10 million from viewers to bring Syrians

First it was teddy bears and soccer balls for illegals. Now, Glenn Beck wants $10 million Syrians ‘refugees’ to the U.S. Call it Beck’s list as Beck laughingly proclaimed that he will saave more people than Oskar Schindler. Beck is loaded with money, probably worth close to a billion dollars. Why not pay the $10 million yourself Glenn Beck to save these poor Syrian ‘refugees’?

Glenn Beck wants $10 million from subscribers to bring Syrians
Glenn Beck wants $10 million from subscribers to bring Syrians

Beck, who has vocalized his support for the plight of illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, even going so far as to organize the distribution of teddy bears, soccer balls, and hot meals to illegal immigrants detained at the border last summer, got emotional discussing the Middle East migrant crisis engulfing Europe.

“‘I hold my lamp beside her golden door,’” Beck cried, reciting a line from the Emma Lazarus poem at the base of the Statue of Liberty. “When we don’t welcome in the tempest tossed. When we can watch them and see a boy laying face down in the sand and we don’t accept them into our country, we don’t have a light that we’re holding by that door anymore. This is a sacred land, and God’s plan will be enacted. God’s will will be done, and he’ll do it with or without us. We must choose to be on his side.”

Beck characterized current events as part of a struggle of good versus evil that he feels compelled to address.

“I’m not a preacher. I’m really under-qualified for everything I’ve ever done,” Beck explained. “But I know this, and I’ve seen it coming for more than 10 years, that there will come a time that the Lord will say, ‘I can’t protect you any more.’ He’s not going to punish us. He’s going to allow us to feel the full ramification of our choice. And that time is here. And I’m not here to change the minds and the hearts of anybody in Congress, any political person, any press person—I think my speech is going to sound like Chinese to most people in Washington and in the media.”

Glenn Beck is in serious damage control after calling Sarah Palin a clown for talking to Donald Trump at the Stop Iran Nuke rally.