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Boom! Donald Trump responds to Obama-Muslim whiners

So when Donald Trump says something it’s controversial. When he doesn’t that’s controversial too. Trump finally responded to all those whiners complaining about him not shutting down questioner (likely a Democrat plant) claiming we have a Muslim problem in this country and that Obama is a Muslim. Check out Trump’s Twitter response to the Obama-Muslim whiners. He knocked it so far out of the ball park that so called ‘Republicans’ who whine and bash Donald Trump 24/7 can’t even disagree.

Boom! Donald Trump responds to Obama-Muslim whiners

I dare anyone to tell me he’s wrong with his response. Like Trump or not and many don’t, why is it his responsibility to correct someone else calling Obama a Muslim? It’s not. If you apply the John McCain strategy of 2008 when McCain shut down a similar question by an audience member, go back and think how well that worked out. McCain was sure successful in 2008 by being politically correct wasn’t he?

Donald Trump is also right that if he had corrected the person claiming Obama was a Muslim that the media would be smearing him as setting up a plant question so it would make him look good or something. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

I’d be interested to see how the Trump haters at Fox News, especially Karl Rove, Megyn Kelly and Brit Hume respond to Trump’s Muslim response.