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Yeb Bush: polls don’t matter

While Chuck Todd and NBC was busy tossing softballs at Hillary Clinton on Meet the Press, Fox News was tossing softballs to Jeb Bush. He’s their candidate and so far has been a miserable failure. The obnoxious Chris Wallace conducted the interview. Always an ass to real conservatives, Wallace was calm, cool and collected with Jeburrito. One question Bush got was about how far down he is in the polls. Bush said polls don’t matter or something. These sound like the words of a failed candidate.

Yeb Bush: polls don’t matter
Yeb Bush: polls don't matter

Jeb Bush needs to pull a Scott Walker and do what’s best for the GOP and drop out of the race. Of course with his arrogance and family name, this will never happen.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who has persistently trailed Donald Trump and Ben Carson in the Republican presidential polls, is questioning the accuracy of them showing him way behind.
“These polls really don’t matter,” Bush said in an interview on “Fox News Sunday.” “They don’t filter out the people that aren’t going to vote. It’s just…an obsession, because it kind of frames the debate for people for that week.”
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His comments aired Sunday, as a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll of Republicans who say they’re likely to vote in next year’s GOP caucuses and primaries showed him lagging in a distant fifth behind Trump, the real estate developer and entertainer, and Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, who were tied for first –and trailing (but statistically tied with) Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina.
Bush told Fox host Chris Wallace that he’s taking a long view on the race and expects his poll numbers to rebound as he runs television ads. And, he said, he’s confident of his campaign’s ground game in New Hampshire.