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Boehner to raise debt ceiling before leaving

Weeper Boehner, the sitting duck (and drunk) Speaker is looking to do all he can to screw over the country before finally leaving Congress. Now, the orange drunk is looking to ram through a debt ceiling raising bill as one last middle finger to America.

Boehner to raise debt ceiling before leaving

House Speaker John Boehner is looking to move a bill to lift the debt ceiling before he leaves Congress, a tactic aimed at helping his successor, according to multiple sources with knowledge of internal party planning.
Timing has not been decided, but the Treasury Department says the nation’s borrowing limit needs to be raised by Nov. 5, and Boehner (R-Ohio) would like to resolve the issue before a new speaker is sworn in. Boehner expects to step down Oct. 30. His office declined to comment for this story.
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Boehner is in discussions with Senate leadership and the White House over a budget package that would include raising the debt ceiling, but House GOP aides do not expect the talks to produce an agreement. GOP leadership aides have discussed passing a standalone debt limit bill should the talks break down. Many senior Republican aides and lawmakers see a “clean” debt limit bill as the only real option.