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Rand Paul aide: If we don’t have opening and closing statements, CNBC can go f— themselves

It’s not just Donald Trump who is pissed off at CNBC for not allowing candidates to give opening and closing statements at their next debate on October 28th. Rand Paul aide, Chris LaCivita basically told CNBC to go fuck themselves if they don’t allow opening and closing statements. You might not have known that judging by the left wing biased Politico buring this state at the bottom of their write up of Donald Trump threatening to skip the CNBC debate.

Rand Paul aide: If we don’t have opening and closing statements, CNBC can go f— themselves
Rand Paul aide: If we don’t have opening and closing statements, CNBC can go f--- themselves

First, Jason Miller, a top strategist for Ted Cruz, said his campaign would consider bailing if there weren’t openings and closings. Then, Chris LaCivita, an aide to Rand Paul, chimed in: “If we don’t have opening and closing statements, CNBC can go f— themselves.”
After Lewandowski spoke, others chimed in — including Beth Hansen, who said the conference call was a “debacle.”

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