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Bernie Sanders wants $15 minimum wage, pays staffers $12

Communist, socialist, liberal, progressive or Democrat. They are really all the same. Bernie Sanders, a Democrat-socialist has been whining at the top of his lungs that burger flippers and the like need to be paid a ‘livable’ wage of $15 per hour. But why then does Sanders only pay his own staffers $12 per hour? Surely, in leftist land $12 per hour is not a livable wage. Bernie Sanders also wants to raise taxes on EVERYONE. Not just those evil rich dudes.

Bernie Sanders wants $15 minimum wage, pays staffers $12
Bernie Sanders wants $15 minimum wage, pays staffers $12

How can Bernie Sanders, with a straight face demand burger flippers be paid $15 per hour, yet pays his staffers ‘only’ $12 per hour. Amazing isn’t? The media hasn’t mention this bit of hypocrisy on Sanders’ part. Why am I not surprised.