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Jeb Bush tries shouting

Jeb Bush is collapsing in the polls. People simply don’t like him and are tired of the Bush dynasty. Think about what the Bush family has given us. H.W. Bush gave us the slimy Clinton Cartel. W. Bush gave us the biggest fraud in American history, Barack Hussein Obama. Now Jeb is trying to shout to get up in the polls and taking a swipe at Donald Trump. I don’t think this will work for Jeburrito either.

Jeb Bush tries shouting
Jeb Bush tries shouting

Jeb Bush’s campaign reboot is in full swing, as a video on the former Florida governor’s official YouTube page indicates. The normally quiet Bush began shouting at a recent event that “the president has to lead.”

“The president can’t say it’s somebody else’s fault. The president can’t say ‘You’re fired,’ and go to commercial break,” Bush said to laughter. “A president has to roll up their damn sleeves and get to work to fix the things that are absolutely broken right now.”