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Erin Gloria Ryan of Jezebel calls Ben Carson Raven-Symone

Meet racist Erin Gloria Ryan. She is the Managing Editor of left wing filth rag Jezebel. Apparently Erin Gloria Ryan thinks because Ben Carson is black, he’s just like Raven-Symone or something. Or at least shit did. You see, like a typical leftist piece of filth, Erin Gloria Ryan deleted her tweet calling Ben Carson the Raven-Symone of the 2016 election. The contents of the now deleted Erin Gloria Ryan can be seen at Twitchy. I”m sure an actual screen sot of the tweet will turn up soon.

Erin Gloria Ryan of Jezebel calls Ben Carson Raven-Symone
Erin Gloria Ryan of Jezebel calls Ben Carson Raven-Symone

Erin Gloria Ryan also calls her a feminist.

Now stop and think for a second. What if any conservative talk radio host refered to Obama as Raven-Symone? What if the GOP-e hacks at Fox News called him Raven-Symone? The media would be screaming from the roof tops for that person’s head. But alas, since Erin Gloria Ryan is a leftist, a vile one at that and is the editor of a vile leftist rag, racist claims against Ben Carson are all cool.

The more the left hammers Ben Carson, the more I like the guy.