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Boom! Ben Carson crushes media at press conference VIDEO

The leftist media is out to destroy Ben Carson. Since he is polling so well, especially against Hillary Clinton, they are out to destroy him. Politico for example released a smear story that was proven false even by crap news organizations like the New York Times and Washington Post. CNN has been trying to find classmates of Ben Carson who he beat up or something. The liberal Democrat media complex is basically out to try and make Ben Carson into an angry black man. So Ben Carson ha a press conference late this afternoon and completely destroyed the racist liberal media hacks. Watch the video below of Carson crushing the media at his press conference.

Boom! Ben Carson crushes media at press conference VIDEO
Boom! Ben Carson crushes media at press conference VIDEO

It’s so refreshing to see GOP candidates like Carson, Cruz and even RINO Rubio call out the corrupt liberal media for what they are. Basically, the ulimate Super Pac for Hillary Clinton.

Ben Carson also spoke the truth about how this same media, who is so interested in smearing Ben Carson wouldn’t dare touch any stories about Obama’s past. Nothing about his relationship with Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright or Frank Marshall Davis.

Nothing about how Obama was a member of the ‘choom gang’ while in high school in Hawaii. The media is being exposed (FINALLY) for the liberal piles of shit they truly are.

Ben Carson’s polling numbers are already high. This smear campaign by Politico and CNN will only help Carson in the polls. The media was able to get away with this kind of shit back in 2008 and 2012. They wouldn’t be able to get away with it this time.