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Wall Street Journal smears Carson over college class

Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal is the latest fish wrap to smear Ben Carson while having their facts completely wrong and fabricated. Rupert Murdoch uses the Wall Street Journal and Fox News to smear candidates who are threats to Jeb Bush and new GOP golden boy amnesty Marco Rubio. The writer is Reid Epstein, a leftist hack snagged from Politico. He spins a story about how Ben Carson lied about taking a psychology class while at Yale in 1970. Problem for Epstein, Murdoch and the rest of the Faux News hacks is that Ben Carson didn’t let them get away with yet another lie:

Wall Street Journal smears Carson over college class
Wall Street Journal smears Carson over college class

Allow me also to do the research for the Wall Street Journal reporter. Here is a syllabus for the class you claim never existed. Still waiting on the apology.

Posted by Dr. Ben Carson on Sunday, November 8, 2015

Good luck getting any apology from the Jeb/Rubio hacks at Murdoch’s News Corp. Wouldn’t it have been great if the media, including the Wall Street Journal would have dug like this into Obama’s past. Imagine the public knowing about how racist, corrupt and antisemitic Obama truly was. Too late now.

I’m not even a big fan of Ben Carson, but what the media has tried to do to the man from the Politico lie, to the whining about having a picture of Jesus in his house, to this, it really disgusts me. You expect this kind of crap from leftists like Politico. But the Wall Street Journal is in on it now too? They are really desperate to help Jeb/Rubio. Regardless if it’s Donald Trump or Ben Carson, the media has an agenda, including the so called conservative media. Reid Epstein is a hack to the highest degree. How he landed a job at the Wall Street Journal, I’ll never know. I guess the talent pool of writers is very low these days.