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Three simple issues the racist media should report about Carson

I personally don’t care what Ben Carson did as a teenager, I don’t care what college classes he took, or if he has a picture of himself with Jesus in his home. The corrupt Democrat media complex wants to make these the issues of the Ben Carson campaign where his stance on policy should be called into question. Personally, I’m far more interested to know when Ben Carson supports ObamaTrade (TransPacific Parthership (TPP)), is reported to support amnesty and now wants to give Puerto Rico statehood.

What the racist media should vet Ben Carson on
What the racist media should vet Ben Carson on

ObamaTrade is the ObamaCARE of trade deals. It will kill American jobs, allow global government to have a bigger influence in America and subject the U.S. to the jurisdiction of two systems of foreign tribunals, including World Bank and United Nations tribunals. Mark Levin said it today. ObamaTRADE or TPP is the fast track to hell.

Putting it mildly, ObamaTRADE or TransPacific Parthership (TPP) flat out sucks. I can’t understand for the life of me why Ben Carson would support such a deal. He’s obviously a lot smarter than this. ObamaTrade will surpass NAFTA as being bad for the country.

Amnesty: no brainer here. Democrats want amnesty for illegals for more votes. Progressive Republicans want amnesty for cheap labor. I didn’t think Ben Carson was a paid advocate for the Chamber of Commerce but maybe I was wrong.

Puerto Rico statehood: why would we want our 51st state to be a bankrupt country and guarantee two more Democrat Senators being sent to Washington DC? Puerto Rico is bankrupt and is socialist like Venezuela. We already have Vermont, New York, Illinois and California as states. We don’t need anymore welfare states.

These are the issues that Ben Carson should be pressed on. It’s really simple. Three simple issues that Ben Carson has the wrong views on in my opinion. I guess it’s asking too much for the Democrat media complex to ask the important questions.