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13.5 million watch FBN #GOPDebate

Considering not all cable companies carry Fox Business News, and those who do put the channel up in the high numbers, a 13.5 viewing audience viewing the GOP Debate on FBN is pretty damn impressive. FBN isn’t carried nation-wide like CNBC or CNN.

13.5 million watch FBN #GOPDebate
13.5 million watch FBN #GOPDebate

The story of last night’s GOP debate wasn’t the moderators, but the canidates and their answers to questions (many of them left wing BTW, including global warming BS). There was a moment during the debate last night when Maria Bartiromo revealed her CNBC roots and praised Hillary Clinton while asking a question of Marco Rubio. Otherwise, the debate wasn’t about the moderators, but the candidates. Refreshing change from CNBC and CNN’s style.

What we learned at the GOP debate last night is that Ted Cruz dominated, Donald Trump and Ben Carson held their own and Jeb Bush is still worthless. Oh, and John Kasich is basically the GOP’s version of Howard Dean. RAAAAAAAAAAAWR