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@Charleeea on Twitter: stop protesting start killing whites

Charlea F who goes by @Charleeea on Twitter tweeted that it’s time for blacks to stop protesting and starting killing white people because of ‘white supremacy’ or something. The coward Charlea F or @Charleeea has since protected her Twitter account from public viewing and only her ‘friends’ can see her tweets. Too bad for her that there are plenty of screen shots available of her calling for the killing of whites:

@Charleeea on Twitter: stop protesting start killing whites
@Charleeea on Twitter: stop protesting start killing whites

This is what Obama’s fundamental transformation of America has brought us. Is it any wonder why Melissa Click or her husband Richard Chip Callahan didn’t want any media coverage of there race hustling protests at Mizzou. Don’t worry though, since this is a black on white threat, there is no need for any national media coverage or anything. Unlike the white trash who threatened to kill blacks what was all over the national media, this wouldn’t get a second of reporting.