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Carly Fiorina responds to Hillary Clinton’s stranglegate

Carly Fiorina responded to Hillary Clinton’s stranglegate. At a Clinton town hall in New Hampshire, a left wing nut job Hillary support told her how he wanted to strangle Carly Fiorina. Carly Fiorina nailed it in her response. Not blaming the nut job who spewed that he wanted to strangle Fiorina, but the corrupt Democrat media complex. Fiorina spoke of the double standard in the media. When a John McCain audience member called Obama a Muslim back in 2008, the media went nuts for a week. With stranglegate, you don’t hear a peep. Clear double standard.

Carly Fiorina responds to Hillary Clinton’s stranglegate
Carly Fiorina responds to Hillary Clinton's stranglegate

“I don’t take umbrage with him, I don’t even take umbrage with Mrs. Clinton. I do take umbrage with the clear double standard that exists in the media. If this had happened with a conservative candidate, the liberal media would be all over us to correct him, to apologize, and all the rest of it.
Newsflash: the media is biased, this isn’t anything new, and we just have to deal with it unfortunately… It’s not gonna rattle me.”

Left wing nuts are very predictable. You can’t really blame the hag Hillary Clinton for the question being asked. You can blame her for laughing at it.