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CNN: Can we avoid climate apocalypse?

I’ve just got to chuckle. Leftists propaganda media outfits like CNN always whine that conservatives and Republicans are ‘fear mongering’ over Muslim terrorism which is an immediate and dangerous threat. Yet if you read about so called global warming or climate change which is one of the biggest hoaxes of the 20th and 21st century, you’d think that a nuclear bomb is about to go off. Check out CNN. Not only smearing Rand Paul to protect Hillary Clinton, but writing articles with titles:: CNN: Can we avoid climate apocalypse?

CNN: Can we avoid climate apocalypse?

Wait, a climate apocalypse? Are you serious CNN? The article’s title and content were written by some moonbat named Katharine Hayhoe. CNN must like hiring indoctrinaters like Katharine Hayhoe to write this crap. She indoctrinates as an associate professor and is the Department of Political Science and director at Texas Tech.