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David Chesley Farook attorney says people made fun of terrorist beard

David Chesley and of the scumbag Farook terrorists attorney tried to justify the Farook/Malik terrorists attack by claiming people at work made fun of his beard of something. The same scumbag David Chesley also tried to compare Islamic extremists with anti-abortion protesters calling Christians and Catholics extremists. Can you fucking believe the nerve of this terrorist’s family’s attorney? First they run to CAIR, then they get those choads?

David Chesley Farook attorney says people made fun of terrorist beard

Sorry David Chesley, no anti-abortion ‘extremist’ has 8000 rounds of ammunition, a bomb factory in their garage and various other explosives. Leftist scum like David Chesley who defend radical Islam and blame America first is why we are in the sitatution we are in today. A lot of this is Obama’s fault, but not entirely. It’s leftist scum like Obama, like David Chesley, like the corrupt media that has put us in this situation. No place is safe anymore. And it’s all thanks to progressive liberal necrophages who would rather blame Americans than call terrorist what it really is. They wouldn’t even utter the world Islamic extremist.

ISIS is now in America. Thanks to all the progressive liberal filth who invited them in. David Chesley should disbarred.

If a sleepy town like San Bernardino is at risk of Islamic ISIS terror, then what does that say about the ‘big’ cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco?