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Terrorist media coverage in Paris VS San Bernardino

The contrast in the media over of the San Bernardino terrorist attack vs the terrorist attack in Paris is startling to say the least. What you have witnessed from the pitiful leftist media since the terror attack in San Bernardino is no illusion. The narrative has been set for a long time by these corrupt left wing extremists. Below is a contrast in the coverage of Paris Vs. San Bernardino.

Terrorist media coverage in Paris VS San Bernardino
Terrorist media coverage in Paris VS San Bernardino

Being only about 60 miles from the terrorist attack, I am greatly offended at how the media has handled the coverage of the terrorist attack. It started out with the media claiming that people were shot at a San Bernardino Planned Parenthood, with three white and male suspects. Of course the suspects turned out to be Farook Syed and his wife Tashfeen Malik. Hardly three white male suspects. And the attack was not at the Planned Parenthood, actually it was miles away..

Then the media moved on the gun control. They embarrassed themselves claiming this attack was all because the shooters got guns illegally, despite California’s notoriously tough gun laws. New York liberals had some of the most disgraceful coverage in this country’s history.

Now the spin is that Tashfeen Malik and Farook Syed were just lone wolves or something, which is another crock of shit. Obama has remained silent for days and was finally shamed into giving a prime-time address from the oval office about the terrorist attack tomorrow night. Personally, I can’t wait for Obama to lecture all of us about how global warming caused this latest terrorist attack and how the attackers weren’t Muslims or something.

Regardless of what Obama says tomorrow night the narrative will be the same. The media will fawn all over Obama as they always do, they will try to divert to gun control and hope the memory of this latest jihad will just fade away. They will keep their fingers crossed that the next mass shooting is done by some doped up white American so they can claim how all whites are racist thugs.

This bullshit needs to stop. People need to step up and flood the phone lines of these liberal propaganda outfits and let them know how they feel about their crap. If leftist thugs can bus in a bunch of thugs to a Black Lives Matter ‘protest’ then why can’t ordinary Americans who are sick of the bullshit do the same against the New York Daily News, New York Times and other disgrace media outfits?