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Bomb threats at Loma Linda University MC, Grand Terrace HS

Update: Loma Linda and Grand Terrace bomb threat a hoax. That’s good, except you can never take any chances.

Bomb threats have been reported at Loma Linda Medical Center and Grand Terrace High School. Loma Linda Medical Center is where those who were shot by two Muslim terrorists were taken to have their wounds treated. Usually, bomb threats are hoaxes, but in today’s environment you can never be too caution, especially considering the area where these bomb threats were made.

Bomb threats at Loma Linda University MC, Grand Terrace HS
Bomb threats at Loma Linda University MC, Grand Terrace HS

Stay strong people in San Bernardino if you are at Loma Linda Medical Center or Grand Terrace High School. You’ll probably be ok, and this will likely be another cruel hoax. But you can never be sure until the all clear is given.