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Time editors nominate ISIS leader as 2015 person of the year

Time Magazine, like the rest of the left lover Islamic terrorists. I suppose that’s why the editors of Time Magazine felt compelled to nominate Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS as Time Magazine’s Person of the Year for 2015. They describe Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi this way:

Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, who as leader of ISIS has inspired followers to both fight in his self-declared caliphate of Iraq and Syria, and also stage attacks in countries like Tunisia and France.

What the hell is wrong you idiots at Time Magazine. I know you are far left cranks, but ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi for person of the year in 2015? You can not be serious!

Time Magazine editors also chose Black Lives Matter thugs, Bruce Caitlyn Jenner and Iran preident Hassan Rouhani who’s laughing in the face of the Americans after that pitiful nuclear deal. You still want to know my the media, especially print is dying a slow, painful death? Look no further than Time Magazine nominating the ISIS terrorist leader, or Iran’s president as their person of the year.

ISIS is very progressive.

Time editors nominate ISIS leader as 2015 person of the year
Time editors nominate ISIS leader as 2015 person of the year