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Donald Trump owns Bill O’Reilly and Fox News over bias

Bill O’Reilly yet again tried to interview Donald Trump while bashing him for talking bad about Jeb Bush. At about 8 minutes into this video, gasbag O’Reilly asks Trump to bash CNN. While he did earlier in the interview, Trump said to O’Reilly that he gets better press from CNN then he does Fox News. O’Reilly of course in his usual arrogant self yelled at Trump and claimed Fox News is just ‘vetting’ Trump because he wants power or something. Watch the full interview between O’Reilly and Trump. Lots of Charles Krauthammer bashing too. If you want to skip ahead to Donald Trump’s owning of O’Reilly and Fox News, skip ahead to 8 minutes.

Donald Trump bitch-slapped Bill O’Reilly and Fox News over bias
Donald Trump owns Bill O'Reilly and Fox News over bias

CNN is hardly ‘nice’ to Trump, but they are for Hillary as opposed to being for Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio. When you have a lineup of Megyn Kelly, Charles Krauthammer, George Will and Karl Rove you know they hate Trump. CNN will go full anti-Trump if he gets the GOP nomination and faces Hillary Clinton for the general election.

Earlier in the day it was Bret Baier bashing Ted Cruz on Special Report. So you can see where they are going here. The Saudi approved hacks are circling the wagons for Marco Rubio as he seems to be the establishment’s last best hope.

O’Reilly also mentioned how he feels the same way as Dan Rather when it comes to Trump’s remarks about Muslims. That’s basically all you need to know.