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Obama greeted with protesters in San Bernardino

All night last night, the media was creaming their pants because Obama made a photo op stop in San Bernardino to meet with the families of the victims of the terrorist attack. The 10pm and 11pm newscasts here in L.A. couldn’t help but fall over themselves fawning over Obama’s photo op pitstop on the way to Hawaii. What the media (local and national) didn’t bother to cover were the protesters that were here to greet Obama, telling him they we don’t want any more Syrian refugees. Even chants of impeach Obama broke out as the arrogant snot was landing at San Bernardino International Airport

Obama greeted with protesters in San Bernardino
Obama greeted with protesters in San Bernardino

It wasn’t all love and admiration for Obama in San Bernardino like the corrupt liberal media would like you to believe.

Check out this L.A. Times tweet from last night, this is how they’d like everyone to believe how Obama was received out here.

No matter how hard Obama and his puppet master Valerie Jarrett like to control the news that gets out, they can’t control it all. Now Obama can disappear for three weeks in Hawaii, golf everyday and squander our tax dollars on his lavish parties.