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Donald Trump is wrong, Hillary Clinton hasn’t been schlonged in years

Granny Clinton got schlonged by 2008, according to Donald Trump. Hey, did you hear about the latest faux outrage? You probably did because the media is all over this like white on rice, or adult diapers on Hillary Clinton.

Of course Donald Trump couldn’t be more wrong on this. Hillary Clinton hasn’t been schlonged in years or decades really. She’s too busy staring at Christina Aguilera’s breathes and munchin’ carpet.

Donald Trump is wrong, Hillary Clinton hasn’t been schlonged in years
Donald Trump is wrong, Hillary Clinton hasn't been schlonged in years

The only schlonging Hillary Clinton gets is by deceiving her voting base and low information supporters. Hillary Clinton should be in jail right now. If you or I did the same things she and the Clinton Cartel has gotten away with over the year, we’d be in jail and they’d throw away the key.

On to the matter of Donald Trump and his so called ‘offensive’ comments. Tough shit. Like Trump or not, he doesn’t talk like a politician. A Marco Rubio would be a deer in the headlights for example if he had the chance to bash Hillary Clinton. The country needs less politicians and more straight talk. Spare us the faux outrage.